Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct

On April 26, 2024, the Board of Directors of Nihon Logics Co., Ltd. passed a resolution to approve the Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct.
This "Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct" (hereinafter referred to as "the Code") sets out the basic internal standards that Nihon Logics Co., Ltd.'s directors and all employees (regardless of employment status) (hereinafter referred to as "employees") must comply with. Any revisions to the Code require the approval of Nihon Logics Co., Ltd.'s Board of Directors. The Company will adopt the Code as its own code of conduct and will implement it appropriately to ensure that directors and employees fully understand and comply with it.

Business Ethics

As members of Nihon Logics Co., Ltd. we aim to grow sustainably along with the company by gaining the trust and satisfaction of our customers.
To this end, we have established and practiced a concrete "Code of Conduct" to ensure that the actions of each of us do not violate corporate ethics.

code of conduct

Article 1: Good Conduct

We must not engage in illegal or antisocial activities that threaten social order or safety, whether during or outside of work. We must not engage in any activities that encourage the activities of antisocial forces or groups. We must always be aware of our responsibilities as officers and employees, act with dignity and good judgment, and strive to improve the company's value.

Article 2: Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including competition laws) in each country and region in which we conduct our business, as well as this Code of Conduct and other internal company rules, and strive to ensure that all of our corporate activities conform to sound business practices and corporate ethics.

Article 3: Sound business practices

We will promote sound business activities to live up to the trust of all stakeholders (including shareholders, customers, employees, business partners, local communities, and other related organizations). We will not engage in any acts that go against honest and fair business activities, such as insider trading, conflicts of interest, or corrupt practices (bribery, excessive gifts and entertainment, extortion, and embezzlement).

Article 4: Understanding diversity

We are expected to act appropriately, fully understanding that various countries and regions have their own unique cultures and regional differences.

Article 5: Respect for fundamental human rights and equal employment opportunities

We respect basic human rights, strive for equality in employment relationships, and consider improving working conditions. In addition, we do not discriminate on the basis of birth, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sex, age, disabilities, or other personal characteristics.

Article 6: Prohibition of forced and child labor

We do not use forced or involuntary labor, and we do not employ children.

Article 7: Work Environment and Prohibition of Harassment

We strive to create a working environment where we can trust each other, be free of discrimination and harassment, and work in a healthy and positive manner. We prohibit any remarks or actions that could constitute violence, power harassment, sexual harassment, or any other type of harassment.

Article 8: Safety and health management

We will thoroughly manage safety and health, prevent workplace accidents, and maintain good health.

Article 9: Confidential information protection

We will strictly manage the company's confidential information (information that is not publicly disclosed, information that gives an advantage over competitors, information that would cause disadvantage if disclosed inappropriately, etc.) and will not disclose, leak, or use such information illegally or improperly at our own discretion, not only during our employment but also after we leave the company. Furthermore, we will not access or obtain confidential information of customers, other business partners, competitors, etc. without authorization.

Article 10: Personal Information Protection

We recognize the importance of protecting personal information, and will acquire, store, use, disclose, and dispose of personal information appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Policy and company regulations.
In addition, we will endeavor to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information we handle by taking necessary and appropriate security measures. Furthermore, we will endeavor to appropriately handle personal information protection in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country and region.

Article 11: Internal reporting

If we become aware that the company's business activities or other actions violate (or may violate) this Code, the laws, regulations, or other rules of each country or region, we encourage you to report it immediately. We will also establish an internal reporting system that allows us to verify and handle the content of such reports. All reports will be kept confidential, and we will strive to maintain the anonymity of whistleblowers as much as possible in good faith, and we prohibit any retaliation against whistleblowers.

Article 12: Corporate Information Disclosure and Management Transparency

We aim to be a company with highly transparent management that is trusted by Japan and the international community by disclosing information in a timely, legal, and sufficient manner, and we will proactively communicate with shareholders and other stakeholders.

Article 13: Contribution to the local community

As members of the local community, we will contribute to the healthy development and harmony of the community through our daily activities, including participating in social contribution activities.

Article 14: Environmental Protection

We recognize that building a sustainable society is important for the continuation of our business activities, and will proactively work to protect the natural environment. We will promote specific activities such as saving electricity and water, recycling, and going paperless.

Article 15: Records and reports

It is our policy that all records and reports, including accounting books and audit reports, must be kept accurate and appropriate. We will adhere to this policy.

Article 16: Intellectual property protection and asset management

We will use our own intellectual property and company assets (tangible assets and intangible assets such as trademarks, know-how, and information systems) only for legitimate business purposes.
Furthermore, we will not misuse the intellectual property or company assets of third parties.

Supplementary Provisions

This code will come into effect on June 1, 2024.